Thursday, October 23, 2014

We have carpet and color!

Girls' bathroom, remodeled.

Remodeled boys' bathroom.

Older kids room (formerly, the baby room)

Older kids room (formerly the walker room)

All cabinets and countertops are in and look so nice!

Large gathering room.

Other side of large room.

4 year old room.

Stripes on the wall lead from the check-in area to each child's designated room .

Baby room with split door.

Check-in area.

All preschool rooms have half-carpet, half-tile, a sink in the room and a single potty bathroom.

"Kitchen" area/water heater room.

Fence is up around the playground and equipment has been ordered.

All construction has been completed, just finishing up a few touch ups here and there.  Carpet is in and looks great!  Now we are finalizing furniture and equipment orders and we hope to been in the new building by the end of November.  Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard at getting it done!