Monday, July 28, 2014

End of July wrap-up

The biggest progress on the outside is that the brick is almost completely installed.  Inside, the baseboards have been put in, the electrical panel has been installed, the windows have trim, the door jambs are all installed.

Painting should begin soon.  Stay tuned for work days!  It's looks great and before we know it, we'll be able to fill up this nice building with all of our sweet children!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's almost time to paint!

Sorry for the long break in updating the construction progress- VBS wiped us out, then last week was July 4th, but we are back on track now with exciting new pictures and good news!  Even though we haven't updated in a while, the work has been going on steadily.

If you couldn't tell, the drywall is done!  We will be painting soon-  keep an eye out for work day announcements- we will need help cleaning, prepping for paint, and painting.
As you can see, the brick is going up.  Power will be fully installed this week.  Concrete has been poured.  Can't wait to see some color on those walls!

It's looking great and getting closer to being ready for all of our precious children!